By being grateful we can have peace.
2024 has truly been a rough year for me. Many things have gone wrong and it’s especially hard during the holiday season. I typically reflect on what I’ve accomplished or what I have not been able to accomplish rather during this time. I’m not where I’d thought I’d be in my life but there are still things to be grateful for. However, I’m still blessed.
Reason 1 to be grateful
It’s during times like these that I think about the story of Job in the Bible. Job had everything and suddenly lost everything in but his life. God allowed satan to run havoc in every area of Job’s life BUT take his life. It was then, I learned that God values life no matter how awful everything else may be. He still values our life. So that brings me to the the number one blessing or reason to be grateful: We’re alive!
Reason 2 to be grateful
Now that we have recognized that we have life/are alive, the possibilities are endless. Things may be down today but God will suddenly turn them around one day. This gives me hope that one day the God of Suddenlies will change my circumstances around.
Last year this time, I was very ill. By the grace of God, I’m no longer ill. I’ve recovered and am looking forward to staying in good health. It’s been 9 months since I’ve been hospitalized and I pray that number only continues to grow. So this brings me to the second blessing or reason to be grateful: We have our health! God wants us to be healthy so that we can function. I know this because it’s in the Bible. Jerimiah 30:17 –For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds… and that is just one example.
Reasons 3, 4, and 5 are blessings too
I see people who are unhoused or homeless. They are either sleeping on the sidewalk, asking for money on the side of the street, or trying to wash someone’s windshield in order to earn money. To me, it’s sad. I don’t know the circumstances that led to their current situation but I do know I could have been there. It could have been me asking for money on the side of the road, sleeping under the freeway, or trying to earn money. Again, the only reason why those things did not happen is because of God’s grace.
Seeing the homeless in the street and knowing that it could have been me makes me grateful for the next 3 reasons.
The third reason to be grateful is shelter. I have a home to go to, a warm place to lay my head, and a bed to sleep in -thank you God.
I’m grateful for clothing -reason number four. I can cover myself and now able to keep myself warm from the cold.
Another reason to be grateful is for food -reason number five. This year I have been able eat contently when I haven’t been able to in the past because of finances.
Shelter, clothing, and food may seem basic but without these necessities, how can we function. When we have the necessities, this allows us to put our minds toward greater things. Those greater things are work, businesses, and school.
So there you have it, the Top 5 Amazing Reasons to be Grateful!:
- Life
- Health
- Shelter
- Clothing
- Food