Luke 2:10-14 NLT: The angle reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior -yes, the Messiah, the Lord -has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!…Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others -the armies of heaven -praising God and saying, “Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is please.”
There’s so much to realize from the birth of Jesus.
Jesus was named Immanuel meaning “God is with us.”
Jesus was born of a virgin birth from mother and father who both obeyed God. By obeying God, they ushered in the King of Kings -Jesus. Mary, Joseph, and Jesus were visited by the three wise men. I believe they were wise because they listed to the dream God gave them to not return to King Herod.
What does the Birth of Jesus Mean
His birth is the fruition of God’s plan to connect mankind back to Himself through Jesus Christ.
What does the Birth of Jesus Mean to me?
I have a Savior that intercedes on my behalf. There’s no way to the Father except through Jesus Christ. It means that I have a friend everyday but especially on days that I feel alone. I have a friend that has laid down their life for me and all other believers. There’s a friend that’s closer than a brother for myself and everyone who believes.
There are times I feel alone, lost, and unsure about where my life is going. But when I sing worship songs about Jesus or my heavenly Father, I realize I’m not alone, not lost, and I don’t need to know the end from the beginning (that’s God’s job). All of this helps me stay calm, take life one step at a time or go with the flow of life, stop worrying, and stop doubting the power of God.
Christmas is amazing for several reasons -the lights, the time with family and friends, and the gifts. But we as believers only have Christmas because of the birth of Jesus Christ -we must not forget this. Regardless, of the fact that Jesus was actually not born on Christmas Day (see here). We are celebrating the birth of our savior, the one who sacrificed his life so that we may live.
As we celebrate Christmas this week, we can rest assured that our Savior is with us. We are connected to him and the Father through the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-17 NLT).
Merry Christmas,
Photo by Chad Madden on Unsplash